I cannot believe its less than 6 months away til the wedding. So much has been happening lately and wedding planning has falling to the side. I will be done with college 1 week from today! Can you believe it?? Once the holidays are over & I am done with school, wedding planning is ALL i will be doing. Although I have a lot done already there is so many little things I cannot wait to start. Bridesmaids gifts, favors, table numbers, invitation, guest book/ "wish bowl", ect. By next month hopefully I will have started some of those projects! I found a fun survey on another blog I follow so I thought I would share my answers on my blog!
What are your middle names?Mine is Kathleen Dereks is Timothy
How long have you been together?OMG on Jan 10, 2010 it will be 7 years since Derek asked me to be his gilfriend hehe..
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
At least a few years
How old are each of you?
I'm 21, and he's 23.
Did you go to the same school?The same high school
Are you from the same home town?Yes
Who is the smartest?umm.. Im sure if Derek was answering this question it would be a different answer. Although I have my blond moments I am smarter (or at least try harder) at school material. Derek is smarter at everything else hehe.. Derek is really smart at math
Who went to school for what?I majored in Psychology & hopefully one day will be a High School Counselor
Derek attended the JC and is now a Police Officer.
Who is the most sensitive?That would be me for sure.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?If its Derek choice its Round table Pizza which I don't mind cause I love their salad bar. If its my choice I choose either Applebees or a new place we've never been too
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?Columbia, Missouri.. for Dereks bro football game!
Who has the worst temper?I am more likely to get angry but when Derek does get ticked off there is no stopping him
How many children do you want?
2 or 3
Who does the cooking?I do when Derek has work that night but when he is off we cook together. Derek is a really great cook!
Who is more social?We are both pretty social but Derek social butterfly who never stops taking at parties.
Who is the neat-freak?ME.. I have to have things clean and Derek is learning how to do the same lol
Who is the most stubborn?We both can be stubborn depending on the day
Who wakes up earlier?Depends. Plus Derek works nights so its hard to say but I sure do love sleeping in when I can
Where was your first date?
We didnt really have a first date per say. We went to the movies and lunch one day.. umm.. ya I was 14 I wasn't even allowed to date I don't think lol. Derek would drive me home from school alot and we would go to his house. Those were are dates (which I loved)
Who has the bigger family?We both have large families. I think my extended family may be larger.
Do you get flowers often?
No.. I love flowers but their a waste of money. Although I do like when I'm surprise with them.. hint hint
How do you spend the holidays?Right now we spend them separate me with my family he with his but we will see in the next year what we end up doing.. Maybe we'll start to have a holiday at our house..
Who eats more?
D for sure
What do you do for a living?Me-student & server @ tea room
D- PoPo officer
Who drives when you are together?Id rather him drive. Hes a better driver & I like to look out the window but if were going to a party I will be the one who drives home from it
What is "your" song?What isn't "our" song. Every love song I hear I'm like oh Derek this is our song lol. When we were in high school Crusin was for sure our song and Shameless by Garth Brooks.
Hope you enjoyed the survey.. geeezzz that was a lot of questions! :)