Where have I been??
Oh yea thats right.........
I have failed to blog in the last 2 months because I was non-stop busy. 4 Showers, 1 bachelorette party, lots of long nights working on favors, programs, & my own personal touches = 1 wedding that was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! I want to retell the story of my day for my own personal memory so please jump to the pictures if you dont want to read my lifelong novel :)
June 5th came and before I knew it I was waking up to my wedding day surrounded by my family & best girl friends. We began the day finishing getting things set up & then we to get ourselves ready. Stasi did a great job on my hair & I love how it turned out. We actually forgot to put my tiara on before the ceremony but it worked out perfect because I wore my veil for the ceremony and tiara for the reception. Christine helped me with my makeup & did so good with my eye shadow. Derek sent me a wedding gift as I was getting ready. It was a sweet Love letter & beautiful key necklace that I ended up wearing that day. Before I knew it Samuel Potter was there to take pictures and for maybe 5 minutes I felt rushed and behind but all my bridesmaids helped me out and made sure everything was smooth!
After Samuel Potter took a bunch of pictures of us getting ready & me with all the bridesmaids it was now 2:40ish and the wedding was soon going to start. Derek was going to be coming over to the main house so I was told to go into another room so Derek didn't see me. I'm not sure why but I choose the smallest, must awkward area. It was a hallway/stairway. So there I am, waiting... and all of sudden.. I FREAKED-OUT. Now let me tell ya.. I never freaked out at all... until now. 5 minutes before I walk down the isle. It was like all of a sudden it hit me. There I was (sitting now) in my dress, with my soon to be sister in law, holding my bouquet waiting to walk down the isle. OMG.. "I need some crackers & water" I tell her. She hurries back with it and makes sure I'm okay.... Soon more people come in to see if I'm okay.. even the minister.... awkward....Anyways.. I felt dizzy, anxious, nervous and kept thinking my heels were to high for me to walk (thinking back.. I was being so dramatic )
Before I knew it.. it was show time. I was now allowed to come into the kitchen and wait there while the whole bridal party began their march out the house and down the isle. I saw my dad and I remember him saying "you ready"... I think I said no... I told him I don't think I can stand... My amazing dad said "come on Jamie were gonna do this together" ... I always thought I was going be the one pep-talking my dad moments before we walked down the isle... but I'm actually really glad he had to be the one.. Because he did such a great job & honestly I felt like in that moment my dad & I got even closer. He handed out his arm and I stood.. and together we walked.
As soon as I began down the isle... my nerves blew away. I was smiling ear to ear and I completely cherished that walk with my father to my husband. Derek looked sexy (as I knew he would). I kissed my daddy and went to hold the arm of my hubby. The ceremony was alot quicker then I thought it would be, which I'm glad because it was about 90 degrees & again.. I was worried about how high my heels were hehe...
About half way though the ceremony, during the exchanging of the rings, Derek started looking like he was going to pass out. We were facing each other and the minister said Derek please place this ring on Jamie's finger. I looked at Derek and his eyes were starting to close and he was barely putting the ring on my finger. I shook his hand and whisperer "Derek you okay" he "awoke" and said ya... Luckily we only had a few more minutes to go and Derek held strong during it! My favorite part of the day was when the minister said we were officially man and wife & Derek & I had a passionate kiss... or two or three... and we walked down the isle as Mr. and Mrs. while the guests blew bubbles!
WooHoo we are married! To be honest... the next 6 hours flew by way to fast. We took lots of pictures immediately after the ceremony for about an hour while our guest enjoyed a cocktail hour, which I hear was yummy. Around 5pm we got announced and Derek and I danced/ backed it up on eachother to Lets Grove Tonight. Dinner was served shortly after and I was barely able to each with so many people coming up and saying congratulations. So many of our friends and family were there and it was so great to see everyone, however I wasn't even able to talk to all of them, which I felt bad about. After dinner, speeches began. My dad was 1st and again was the man. He was so great. I know he was nervous but you couldn't even tell. He was funny and sweet and at the end gave Derek a gift and suggested Derek always follow it. It was a sign that said "The greatest thing a man ever said was Yes Dear". Everyone found it so funny & now 2 weeks later I've heard Yes Dear more than once :) Our critera for our maid of honor and best man didn't involve begin good at public speaking, however they rocked their speeches. Shannon did so good, it was funny and heartfelt and well said! Matt was hilarious as usually and graciously provided all the groomsmen with flotation devices in order to avoid drowning in the pool!! Derek's dad ended the speeches & the dancing began. Derek and I danced to History in the Making by Darius Rucker. Our first dance was another moment that I truly treasured. I just hugged Derek so close and didn't care that everyone was watching. It was a moment that I wanted to hold on to and one that I'll never forget. Next I danced with my daddy-0 to My Girl. My dad and I believe were good dancers so when we get on that dance floor we grove.. or at least we like to think we do. I loved dancing with my daddy. Dancing continued & then a huge group shoot was taken which I'm excited to see how it turned out. Hopefully Samuel Potter got all 200 people in it! After the picture we danced some more and then all of a sudden I remember that I forget to put my garter on... Opps..
I made my way to the door of the house.. stopping every 2 seconds to say hi and thank you to some... ran up the stairs.... fumbled threw a bunch of crap left in the room all 7 of us got ready in and then FOUND IT. Slipped it on and I was ready to go again. We I got back out to the ceremony I chatted with some guest and before I knew it it was time to cut the cake. Cutting the cake was fun and Derek only slightly shoved it in my face.. after I smeared some on his. I don't know why but I was planning on nicely setting a piece of our cake in Derek's mouth until I actually went to do and I had a sudden urge to "be fun & smear some on his face"... He paid me back.. like I deserved... It was all fun until he shoved it back in my face :/.... but I still love em!
Next it was bouquet & garter toss. I had to have my favorite song play for my bouquet toss "Singe Ladies". Guess who caught the bouquet.... My maid of Honor!!!!!!!!!! I was so excited!!
Derek did a little routine while getting my garter. It involved some hip shaking, dropping to his knees, crawling, leaning all the back on his knees then popping up. He was very impressive. When Derek threw the garter, two people went strong for it. My brother and Matt McWhorter (Dereks groomsmen & Shannon's ex boyfriend). Guess who got the garter?? ....Matt. I immediatly ran up to Shannon laughing... How funny is that? He totally wanted that garter!
After that, Samuel came and got Derek and I for a few more photos while the sun was going down. I'm sure I'm going to love the pictures however, it was another 3o minutes of picture taking and Derek & I were kinda bummed to be missing dancing. We finished up the pictures and meet our friends on the dance floor!!! Before I knew it people were saying goodbye. I was like what the night is already ending?? I was sad... However a good group of people danced long into the evening... we did the cha-cha slide, soul train, and macarena. Then the "pool party" began. The bummer of having a pool at your reception and it being still 80 degrees out = 10 people in the pool half naked revealing a little to much... Oh Well. Derek of course got "throw in" but I warned him they were coming for him so he had time to prepare :)
We finished dancing and the night came to a near end. After cleaning up a bit and telling some people the needed to go home ( to be bed)... we ended the night talking in the kitchen with our families & even opened up a few cards from our guests. It was the perfect way to end the evening before Derek & I went off to our honeymoon suite. I remember being so tired when I got to the room and laid down on the bed. I remember laying there with Derek, he in his tux and me in my dress & I was completely happy.... I wont share anymore details of what proceeded to happen as fear you'll all visualize a bit to much...
So there you have it... for those who actually read my hour long novel I applaud you! Thanks for reading! Now I have yet to get the pictures from Mr. Potter and I cannot wait for them to come in. Our photographer was so awesome and I know the pictures are going to be great! In the mean time here are a few taken by friends & family!!

All the event leading up to the big day were so perfect as well. I feel so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life who care enough about Derek & I to throw showers and parties in honor of us. I hope they all know how much their effort means to me.....
Here are some pictures of my last 2 months!!
Couples Shower April 16, 2010


At my Pre- Bachelorette Party while the boys were in Vegas!
Shower my Aunts threw for me... May 1st 2010

Me & My Mama

With some of the bridesmaids

My gift from Kate & Mikaela it says "He put a ring on it" in honor of one of my favorite songs!!
Next, we have the bachelorette party!
It was so much fun and my bridesmaid did so many amazing things to make it so special. They are truly awesome girls & I am so lucky to have them as my best friends!!
Here we are the first night..
at free happy hour :)

The next day they made shirts for us all to wear! I loved them!!
Saturday night we got limo & went to the city!!

With some of the girls at The Bubble Lounge!

You are now done with the longest post in the history of blogging. Hopefully this makes up for not blogging in the last 2 months. I'll try to post again soon. I enjoy blogging for my own memory. I love looking back on previous posts and remembering exactly how I felt! So thanks for being an audience to my own personal journal!