Once again, its been quite a while since I blogged last. School has started again and I am working lots. I've enjoyed my summer but sure wish it was longer. Unforuntaely, Derek & I schedules are somewhat opposite so we didn't get to take a lot of vacations. However, we enjoyed lots of bbq's and days swimming in the pool. Our summer started with Joe & Amy's wedding, Brett & Christines engagment party & a weekend trip to Lake Almanor. June we celebrated our 1 year anniversey with a trip to Donner Lake, lots of birthdays & fathers day.
Speaking of fathers day... I woke up that Sunday, June 19, not feeling to well. I was expecting my period on the 18th, but still nothing. I was kinda nauseous and really tired. I enjoyed the day with my dad & went to bed early. Monday morning I woke up at 6:30 am for work. A part of me had this gut feeling to take a pregnancy test. Still no period, not feeling to good, and somewhere in my body just knew (hoped) it was going to be positive.
Less than a minute later, PREGNANT appeared! 10 minutes later & 3 tests later, this was my view.

Guess what everyone! We are having a baby!! Little Russell is due February 22 & I am almost 17 weeks pregnant! We have got to see him/her twice!
Here is baby at 7 1/2 weeks:

It was such an amazing experience to not only see our baby on the screen but hear the heartbeat. I prayed & prayed & prayed for a healthy baby & God showed me his miracle that day!
We went again at 13 weeks for a genetic ultrasound. Not only do we have a healthy baby but we have a little cutie! Baby R was moving a lot & it was so fun to see on the screen. I loved looking at Dereks face during the ultrasound. He didn't take his eyes off the screen as he stared in complete amazement. For me, not a moment goes by where I don't think of the little baby in my tummy but I think for Derek, seeing it on the screen makes it so much more real to him.
Anyways... The ultrasound tech showed us all his/her little features. She asked if we wanted her to take a guess at the sex. We said "yes". Although everything is still really small... she paused for a few seconds... then a few seconds more & said "I'm going to say about 68%... I'm leaning towards... Boy." Either way we are just excited that our baby is healthy & growing. Come October 4, at 20 weeks we will have a better idea of if baby R is going to be a football player or a cheerleader!

To say I am excited is an understatement. This baby has already brought so much joy and happiness to our lives, in just almost 17 weeks! I pray to God every day, thanking him and asking him to continue to help our baby grow! Febuary cannot come soon enough! Although, Im sure it'll be here before we know it :)