I can hardly believe I am near the end of this pregnancy. It seems like yesterday, it was June & I was just finding out I'd be a mommy come February. With less than 32 days until my due date, I am so grateful for this journey of the last 9 months. I have loved every minute of being pregnant. Not a day has gone by where I wasn't 100% happy to be in the place I am right now... I miss nothing!
I am now going to the doctors every 10 days or so until baby is here. I went yesterday for a routine appointment (baby has a strong heartbeat & his head is nice & low) and when I left, doctor said "I'll see you in 10 days... unless he decides to come before then". Her words were so casual, yet as I left the office, it seemed so surreal that I could have a baby in 10 days? OH WOW!
Its hard to choose what my favorite thing about pregnancy is... the growing belly, feeling baby move all around & kick my ribs, seeing my husbands face light up when he feels him move, cute maternity clothes, hearing my husband say "I love you Connor" to my belly, getting the house ready for a little one, adorable baby clothes or having a really good reason to be lazy (& slack on laundry)!
I joke with Derek that we may have 4 (or more) kids since I enjoy being pregnant! He usually just laughs! I think he knows part of me is serious and I think part of him is okay with it! hehe
As much as I love being pregnant, I must be real! There have been days when I get really tired of having nothing to wear! I get frustrated when I flip from left side to right side in the bed and cannot get comfortable. I have had my moments of mood swings, crying spells & "raged black outs" as Derek would call them! I have developed a new capacity to worry about something so precious. I also cannot stand when complete strangers or even some "friends" touch my belly like it's a petting zoo! I spend most days, now that I am not working, in my comfy jammies & XL sweatshirt & my zebra Snuggie! Pregnancy hasn't always been glamours or brought out the best in me, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!