Connor Jackson,
It is amazing to get to watch you grow, change and discover something new everyday. I feel so blessed to get to be your mama. You are an amazingly happy boy full of giggles, smiles, coo's and caa's.
We visited the doctor several times this month so we got to see how you grew
11 lbs 1 oz. (4-15-12)
11 lbs 7oz (4-20-12)
12 lbs 4oz and are 24in long (4-30-12)
At two months old, your hair is light blonde on the top with a brown section wrapping around the back. You have big, dark blue eyes and light eyelashes that are growing everyday. You have the cutest little ears, long fingers & long toes. Your belly is growing & your legs are getting chunky. This month you have developed some rolls on your little legs that I just love.
You're wearing mainly 0-3 month clothes, still fitting some newborn sizes and all your footy night sleepers are 3 months, since you're so long! Your diapers are size 1 and speaking of diapers, you still go through about 8-10 A DAY!

You have discovered your hands and wow are they cool. They go in your month, move in the air and even help you put your paci back in when it falls out. However, you like to keep your hands in a fist, but now and then you'll spread those fingers & they'll find your mouth. Play time is your favorite. You got a new play mat this month and you just stare in amazement at the musical cat and all the pretty colors. You also love it because you can swing those arms and hit all your toys. Bouncy seat is still your best friend (and mine!)You love car rides, bath time, walks to get the mail, naps in mommy arm or on my chest & hanging in the Moby wrap. Your able to put weight on your legs for and even hold your head up high with the help of mommy and daddy. You're not a big fan of tummy time and you usually get frustrated after just a few minutes.

Not only have you grown physically, your personality has grown even more. You are so alert and attentive. You have long periods when your awake where you smile, play and giggle. This month you have started to understand when mama and daddy talk to you. You smile when we smile, move your head back and forth as we move through the room and love looking around the house, store, or on a walk.
You've had lots of 1st this month including your first trip to a public place, which was Lowes. Your first time at a restaurant, Bj's. Your first vacation, Chester for 2 days. You also stayed with Nonni & Pop for the first time and then with Grandma, Gigi and Kate another day. You also had a few nights where you'd sleep for 4 or 5 hours straight!
As you can see from your photo-shoot above, it took place over several hours and 3 diaper changes... first your in jeans, then just a one-sie then brown sweats. You usually smile so big for mommy when she takes pictures, but this month you weren't too sure how you felt about being in a basket on the floor. I think the pictures are adorable and really capture your big eyes, chubby cheeks and perfect little body!
Baby boy, you have brought us more joy, laughter & amazement in the last 2 months than I have ever experienced in my 24 years of life. I truly believe God planned for you to be our baby boy and for us to be your parents. We love you, care so much about you and are so excited to see you grow... but not to fast!
Happy 2 months old Connor Jackson Russell!
love, mommy & daddy