Tomorrow is a sad day for all of Law Enforcement. On March 21, 2009... 4 Oakland Officers lost their lives in the line of duty... I remember the day as if it was yesterday.
I was at a scrapbook expo when Derek called me to tell me 2 traffic officers had been shot. As the words came out of his month, tears came into my eyes. No more than 30 minutes later, Derek called back saying 2 more Swat team members were shot. FOUR.... 4 Oakland Officers had been shot in a matter of an hour. I left the expo and hurried home to see Derek before he too would have to go to work that night at 8pm. It was around 3pm when I finally got home and there he was sitting on the couch with the words "Breaking News" on the t.v. as the news reported all that they knew. After a long hug, we sat there staring at the tv in complete disbelief. Derek's phone rang and I couldn't hear who was on the other line but Derek's responses of "yes sir" "okay sir" told me that it was probably his Sargent calling. Derek hung the phone up, looked at me and said "I have to go to work". At that moment those words were too heavy to hear. I began crying and pulled him close and said "i don't want you to go". I held Derek and told him how proud I was of him. I told him I loved him and to be safe. I watched him put on his uniform, strap on his belt, pin on his badge and drive off to work.
Everyday Derek goes off to work I do exactly what i did on March 21, 2009. I hug him close, tell him how proud of him I am, that I love him and to be safe.
Please keep the Oakland Police Department, the families of the fallen officers and the band of brothers that risk their lives daily in your prayers tomorrow.

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