Things are finally feeling back to normal this week. I am feeling better, still sore and achy at the end of the day, but all and all I am okay & so is baby.
Monday the 7th we had a regular prenatal appointment. Baby's heartbeat was strong around 140bpm! I had to chug this delicious glucose drink...

It didnt taste as bad as I was expecting... although I'm glad I dont have to drink it again... til the next baby :) My doctor called the next day and informed me I do not have gestational diabetes but I am slightly anemic :( I have now started taking an extra iron supplement which is this ...

I've also invested in this a few weeks ago and am making sure to use it daily! So far I am stretch mark free...

Here is my 24 1/2 week belly picture. I look like Im hunched over or something but Im not. Plus it kinda looks like Im holding a ballon under my shirt hehe... no ballon.. just a baby! We were heading to my parents for dinner & Derek quickly took one picture before we left.

Sunday Night went to my parents for dinner. It was the first time I'd seen Brett & Christine since the wedding. It was great to recap the fun weekend & hear all about their Caymen Island honeymoon. Here is Christine & Me!
How far along are you? 25 weeks!
How big is your baby girl? 1.8- 2 lbs (according to my What to Expect app)
How long is your baby girl? 9 inches
How much weight have you gained? 14 LBS Maybe its just me but I dont think I look like I've gained 14 lbs but the doctor don't lie. And if you know me in person... agree with me please :)
Do you have any stretch marks? Negative
Are you wearing maternity clothes? Mostly! Some shirts still are long enough but maternity clothes are 100% more comfortable. Plus with the rainy weather now here maternity leggings with boots is my go to outfit!
How are you sleeping through the night? I wake up once or twice to use the restroom. Also Derek wakes me up when he gets home from work. And his 4:45am alarm clock (that he sleeps through) is quite annoying on the mornings he goes hunting. But I love him anyways :)
What was the best moment this week? MOVEMENT! In the last week, his movement is much powerful. Also Derek has been able to feel him more too! Which gives him a "holy cow" look on his face every time hehe
Food cravings: Well I've made chocolate chip cookies 3 times
Movements? Yes...
Belly button? Still an innie but kinda flat looking.. it's gonna pop out in a few weeks I feel like.
What I miss? Nothing! I really LOVE being pregnant. Its too amazing to miss anything!
Labor signs? Nope & lets keep it that way for 15 weeks!
What I am looking forward to? Enjoying the next 3 months preparing for our baby & hopefully buying a new (used) car this week! We've had a rental since the accident & we must return it on Wednesday.
Milestone? A healthy heartbeat!
How big is your baby girl? 1.8- 2 lbs (according to my What to Expect app)
How long is your baby girl? 9 inches
How much weight have you gained? 14 LBS Maybe its just me but I dont think I look like I've gained 14 lbs but the doctor don't lie. And if you know me in person... agree with me please :)
Do you have any stretch marks? Negative
Are you wearing maternity clothes? Mostly! Some shirts still are long enough but maternity clothes are 100% more comfortable. Plus with the rainy weather now here maternity leggings with boots is my go to outfit!
How are you sleeping through the night? I wake up once or twice to use the restroom. Also Derek wakes me up when he gets home from work. And his 4:45am alarm clock (that he sleeps through) is quite annoying on the mornings he goes hunting. But I love him anyways :)
What was the best moment this week? MOVEMENT! In the last week, his movement is much powerful. Also Derek has been able to feel him more too! Which gives him a "holy cow" look on his face every time hehe
Food cravings: Well I've made chocolate chip cookies 3 times
Movements? Yes...
Belly button? Still an innie but kinda flat looking.. it's gonna pop out in a few weeks I feel like.
What I miss? Nothing! I really LOVE being pregnant. Its too amazing to miss anything!
Labor signs? Nope & lets keep it that way for 15 weeks!
What I am looking forward to? Enjoying the next 3 months preparing for our baby & hopefully buying a new (used) car this week! We've had a rental since the accident & we must return it on Wednesday.
Milestone? A healthy heartbeat!
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