We are finally here! I cannot believe I have been pregnant for 37 weeks! Baby boy is officially full term & can come any day now & will be healthy! I went to the doctors yesterday & everything looked great. Connor was kicking and moving around while the doctor was listening to his heartbeat with the Doppler. She said his head is low, very low & according to her she "doesn't think I'll make it to my due date". We shall see! Tomorrow my mom & I are going to newborn care class, as Derek has work, which Im really excited about. I attended a breastfeeding class last week & Derek & I finish up on our childbirth preparation videos this week! Needless to say, we are ready!
How far along? 37 weeksTotal weight gain: I have not gained any weight the last 2 visits so it's looking like 29lbs will be my total weight gain! Maternity clothes? Yes, everything is maternity & I am quickly running out of things to wear but will not buy anything else with only 3 weeks left.Stretch marks? Nope, none on my belly but I have a few on my boobs :/Sleep: Sleep is so-so. I wake up several times to use the restroom, toss & turn a lot to fall asleep but have been "sleeping" (more like laying in bed) for at least 8 hours each night. Best moment this week: Reaching full term! Miss Anything? Having a much larger variety of clothes to wearMovement: It may be these yummy strawberries Im munching on at the moment, but Connor is ACTIVE! I don't think his movements have really slowed down. He is finding room to wiggle!Food cravings: Well I guess strawberries, as I just ate almost half the Costco sized box... Food aversions: Nothing grosses me out, but I haven't been able to eat very much at one sitting lately... there is no room left in my body. Gender: BOYLabor Signs: :( no... I've been having Braxton hicks contractions often & a few days I had mild cramping & lower back pain but nothing to write home about.Symptoms: Feeling large, waddling while walking, & lots of pressure in my pelvisBelly Button in or out? Just above the surface but I don't think it's going to really become an outie. Looking forward to: Mr. Connor Russell joining us this month! Hopefully sooner than later & my birthday & Super Bowl on Sunday!
Here is my belly at 37 weeks!

Being full term means labor is right around the corner... and our house is looking like it!
The stroller & car-seat can be found in our entry hall...
The hospital bag is coming along, just need to add in the final things right before we go.
And the diaper bag is loaded with wipes, a few diapers & a blanket for the ride home.
And for fun, this is how excited I am about meeting my little man soon!!
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