.... 10 days late
When I was pregnant I remember thinking how much I wanted to blog at least three times a week to remember all the precious moments of my baby growing. Well, not only have I not blogged three times a week, I haven't managed to blog three times this whole month! I started working on several smaller posts but decided to do one big post about my baby's first month of life.
Parenthood has been the most amazing adventure I have ever embarked on. I knew that I would love that baby growing in my belly but getting to see him grow and change each day in my arms is indescribable. Seeing Derek as a dad melts my heart. Derek is so naturally comfortable when it comes to Connor and being a dad. Its like he just know's what his baby needs.
Dear Baby boy,
You have light brown hair, light eyelashes and light eyebrows. You have big blue eyes and a cute pudgy nose. There is something about your ears that I just love. They are so small & perfect. Your arms and legs are long and your fingers are long and skinny. His skin is so smooth and once the jaundice cleared up, his skin became a beautiful color. At just a few weeks old, you became so strong, holding your head up for a few seconds and stretching your legs out trying to stand. You love to hold on to mama's finger while she feeds you... which melts my heart.
At birth you weighted 7lbs 13oz
On Friday, March 2nd you weighted 6lbs 14oz
After our 24 hour stay in the nursery you weighted 7lbs 4oz
At his 2 week check up on March 14 you weighted 8lbs 3oz
At 1 month, I am guessing you weight at least 9lbs!
You wear Newborn clothes, size Newborn diapers and tiny tiny socks that don't stay on your feet.
You like to be swaddled, but your arms MUST be out. If not you make it clear that you want them out. I don't blame you... you were crammed for over 9 months in mama belly. You also love your hands right by your face, especially when you sleep.
At one month old, we have "somewhat" of a sleep schedule. Although the times vary each night, you eat every 3 hours for the most part. Most feedings you fall asleep eating and Mommy puts you back in your bed after burping you. Of course there were (and still are) nights where it's every hour and half, leaving Mommy only 45 minutes of sleep in between. I wish I could say you sleep sound in your bassinet, but you don't. Some nights you do but many nights I lay you in there and you cry. Once I quickly move you into your bouncy seat, you fall fast asleep... At 3am... the bouncy seat wins!
You love bath time. You just lay there & stare at me while I clean you all up. You don't like when I turn off the water so mommy has to go fast to try you and get your clothes on.
You love sleeping on mommy's chest. Most evenings after eating you fall asleep for hours on me while daddy and I watch our shows. It my favorite time of the day. I've also learned to multi-task durning this time. I just can't sit you down!
Your first few weeks of life, you had many visitors and so many people brought you gifts and cooked us dinner. Your grandparents, aunties and uncles ADORE you. Whenever Nonni, Grandma, Gigi and Auntie Katelyn are all together they (subtly) fight over who gets to hold you. How could they not? You are that perfect! I know that if they come up that means I won't get to hold you for a few hours, luckily I always get to steel you away to eat!
Your first "holiday" was St. Patricks Day. Daddy had work but we celebrated with nonni and pop before daddy left for work. You had the cutest outfit on!
I am aware that I do not have another baby to compare you too, nor will I ever compare you to anyone, but I must say you are a HAPPY baby. You are full of smiles and giggles, coos and caa's all day long. When you cry, 99% of the time a diaper change and some food calm you right down. I can count with one hand the times that didn't seem to work.
You stare into my eyes and touch every bit of my heart. You have stolen my world and the heart of all of your family. I loved my life before you were born, but life with you in it, is even better!
Baby boy, I cannot believe you are a month old! Now the days just need to slow down so my baby doesn't grow up so quickly.
love, Mama
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