** This post has been sitting in my draft folder all month! Though I posted it already... Connor will be 6 month in 4 days :/
Happy 5 months old Baby boy!
This month your personality has sprung out of you. Everyday its as if you notice something new and learn something different. We went to Donner Lake for 4th of july.. Met lots of extended family & Watched fireworks. You didn't cry but it was loud so Nonni brought you inside. While we were there you rolled from tummy to back twice!
You are in size 2 diaper. Wearing mostly 6 month or 6-9 month clothes. You still wear some 3-6 & started wearing some 9 month clothing.
You really dislike being distracted while nursing.. If anyone talks, phone rings or I drink water, you pop off & give a look like 'hey, why you interrupting me?' You also went on a nursing strike this month... Not fun!

A few good nights of 7+ hours of sleep straight.. Followed by a few nights of up every 3-4

I think you're starting to exceed the weight limit on the bouncy seat. Plus even when buckled, you try standing up in it which makes for an accident waiting to happen You love when I sing the abc song. You smile & move your mouth as if you want to sing with me. You like to scratch things and feel the texture. You like opening & closing your fingers on different materials. We also got out you baby Einstein jumper but your still a bit too small. You also have begun to notice Radar more. You even reached out & petted her.
You still love bath time, going for walks & people watching. You also are becoming more aware of your surroundings. You stare at trees, birds, flags, fans, & mirrors.
Your feet are awesome, your new game is pulling your own socks off. It takes you about 10 min but your always successful. Mamas face keeps your entertained for a good 10 minutes. You like to grab my nose, mouth, ears, neck, you name it.. You grab it!

Your fast to grab things... including mamas glass of milk on the table! You're really good at putting your paci back in your month with ease & picking up toys that you want to play with.
Your nickname was hudeany for a few days.. I see a career in magic in your future! On July 21 & 22... You rolled from your back to your front 3 times & guess what... I missed every time! I would leave the room for 30 second.. Literally & over you would go! We're starting to think that when your alone your motivate to come find us!
This is pretty much what you thought of our photoshoot at the end.. "Like really mom, you want me to wear this sticker?"
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